Speaking Engagements
Dr. Dobbert is available to speak on a variety of topics and is also available for book signings. Listed below are a few of Duane’s professional presentations, to find this list in entirety, please visit the Vitae link.
National Conference of Forensic Social Workers: Chicago, IL. Psycho-Social Development of Criminal Behavior
Florida Gulf Coast University 4th Annual Forensic Symposium: Ft. Myers, FL. Pedophilia and Hebephilia
133rd Annual Congress of the American Correctional Association: Nashville, TN. Stalking: The Continuum from Sexual Disorder to Lust Homicide
Florida Gulf Coast University 4th Annual Forensic Symposium: Ft. Myers, FL. Psychology of Abuse
International Meeting of the Association of College and University Auditors: Nashville, TN. Profile of a Con Man
Florida Psychological Association: FL. Empirical Prediction of Criminal Recidivism
FBI National Academy: Sexual Predators
Thirteenth National Conference on Juvenile Justice: New Orleans, LA. Management by Objectives in a Non-Profit Organization
Northern State University, South Dakota. Real time Interactive Television. Cyber Crime
Capella University Summer Residency. Minneapolis, MN. Domestic Terrorist Organizations and Rogue Terrorists